Friday, December 28, 2007

Blue Skies

Today Ryno and I went downtown and hit up 23rd street. While Ryan couldnt get the right size P-Rods he was looking for, I did cop a pretty sick M-65 jacket I'd been looking for, but thats besides the point. As we walked out of the little mexican resturant we had lunch in, we looked up and caught a glimpse of a naturally absent blue sky. For those of you who arent from Portland, during the winter months you dont see the sky. Its straight rain clouds. A blue sky brightens anyones day, and if it doesnt you should really get out more- lets just be honest.

Speaking of that mexican food, it was absolutely bomb, and the salsa was some of the best Ive ever tasted.

Last thing I'll say about food, we also found this little gelato spot, and after going in there I never want regular ice cream again. Look up gelato if you dont know what it is.

If youre bored, check out Sais's blog at, look back through a few entries and youll find yours truly haha

I did something I dont normally do tonight and that was go to a church that wasnt my own, I went to The Way with Ryan, Ian, Nick Derrah, and Kirk, it was different, but I enjoyed myself. And as for the song of the day goes, Im going to post a song by Telecast, the band that played at The Way. Im a known skeptic of Christian music, but I really like this stuff, check Telecast out on myspace if you get a second.





Robbie King said...

haha you went to the way?
whhaaa crazy I was there too.
thats my church.
crazy. I think i see Ryan every once
in awhile but never took the time
to say anything so yea.

surrender said...

glad you came.
stoked you liked telecast.

& LOL @ thos ice cream cones.