Monday, February 25, 2008

Aww, I See Now

I promise we didnt forget about you, yes we're taking this to a personal level- you. To whoevers a regular, or if its just your first time, we wanna throw down a sincere 'thank-you' for providing Clarity with your support.

To clear up any confusion, we've embarked on a mission; one that means a lot to us. We want to get out what we do, and how we do it. Our first line of tees should be dropping within the next couple of months, be sure to check back every week or so just to see where we're at. We'll be more vigilant with product updates. Currently, we've got some designs in mind, and are working on finalizing a couple of them. Hopefully the sticker will be perfected and we can get that out to everybody asap. Clarity, while we want to get out our thoughts on whats up and down in general, we're also out to give the streetwear game our take on things. Its gonna be a long time comin, but it'll happen. That is why we want to hand out some serious thank yous to whoever is out there for our support. We need it.

In other news;

Ryno and I recently took a trip up to seattle, and while we were up there we had to hit up Goods. Its a pretty sleek boutique, sorry for the bad rhyme, and not to mention the guys there arent dicks. If you wanna check it out head over to needgoods.

An even of epic proportions was recently announced; Dave Grohl has decided to bring his Foo to Portland this July. in case you were wondering, we will be in the mosh in front of the stage. Will you?

Thats about it for now, we'll try to update a bit more frequently with designs and tees and when and were stuff will be dropping. As for the track of the day goes, we'll throw out a little teaser for our first tee, you already know about that reality check, and if you dont, step your game up- but we decided to throw out some honest expression
Word to Binary


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